Save the Date: OLG's annual Vacation Bible School ("VBS") camp will take place from Monday, July 28 - Thursday, July 31, 2025! Further details, registration forms, and volunteer forms will be posted sometime in May 2025 - stay tuned!
ABOUT VBS: Every summer, Our Lady of Grace offers a fun-filled week of Vacation Bible School, where children ages 4-10 experience daily encounters with Jesus! Here, we dive deep into the stories of the Bible, learn and perform catchy music, make creative crafts, play games outside (oftentimes there are water balloons involved!), eat delicious snacks, and so much more. We hope you can join us for this fun- and faith-filled summer adventure!
Interested in getting involved in OLG's VBS program? (Note: students in grades 6-12 can volunteer throughout the week and receive service hours!) Please contact Maddie Appleby at [email protected]. Thank You!