“I am the living bread that came down from Heaven… Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life within you.”
- Jn 6:51, 53
As Catholics, we believe that The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Its importance is clear in the central nature it has in our worship and our lives. Indeed, our liturgy is truly a Eucharistic Liturgy, a memorial of Christ’s Death and Resurrection, a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity. We believe that Christ Himself, living and glorious, is present in a true, real, and substantial manner: His Body and His Blood, with His soul and His divinity in this sacrament.
The Catholic Church calls us into a community where we will never truly worship alone. At Mass we gather together the young and the old, the rich and the poor with our neighbors and those around the world in celebration of Christ’s sacrifice. As a community, the Eucharist teaches us about human dignity and calls us into a trusting and loving relationship with God, ourselves, and others. As the Body of Christ, it sends us on a mission to help transform our communities, neighborhoods, and world as stewards of God’s gifts and ministers to His people.
For something so important and central to our lives as Catholics, the Eucharist is rich in mystery and yet full of grace. Bread and wine are woven into the early history of God’s people. We see this in Melchizedek’s offering of a sacrifice of bread and wine for Abraham’s victory (cf. Gn 14:18) through the Exodus from Egypt and the instution of the passover meal where the consumption of a sacrificed lamb, blessed bread, and wine was an act of thanksgiving to God. But, before being given up to death, Jesus gave a new and complete meaning to the sacrificed lamb, bread, and wine.
If you have any questions concerning First Holy Communion, please see below or contact the Faith Formation (PREP) Office at (215)-757-5530.
OLG PREP is excited to be using a program for the Sacrament of First Communion called Signs of Grace: You are Loved. “Fun activities, entertaining videos, engaging student guides and compelling stories are all part of the Signs of Grace curriculum, helping children understand intellectually, spiritually and emotionally that the Sacraments are a real encounter with Jesus Christ. This program is designed with the whole family in mind and parents play a key role in the preparation of their children for the Sacraments.” This includes a parent meeting and attendance at the First Communion Retreat and family pages in the children's books.
First Communion Parent Meeting Tuesday December 3, 2024 7PM Zoom
Retreat: Saturday February 1, 2025 9AM-12PM
***Make-up dates for missed retreat Sunday Feb 9, 2025 &Feb 16, 2025 at 9-10AM in Lourdes Room (parents/child must attend both dates)
First Eucharist:
We are always in need of individuals to assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at our Weekend Masses. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister and willing to go through the proper training, please contact Maddie Appleby at [email protected] or (215)-757-7700 to get started.
If you or someone you know is homebound and would like to receive Communion, please contact the Parish Office at (215)-757-7700.
If you would like to become a Communion minister to the homebound, we welcome you to the team! Communion ministers are scheduled once a month and may bring Communion any day of their assigned week. Training is provided. Please contact Maddie Appleby at [email protected] or (215)-757-7700 for more information and/or to sign up.